The Adamant Citadel
The Adament Citadel is the home of the Iron Sisters, a group of female Shadowhunters even more isolated and reclusive than the Silent Brothers. They're hardly ever seen. Like the Silent City, the Adament Citadel only exists in one place, but it has many entrances. The Citadel is located in the middle of a volcanic plain, the heat of which is used to forge adamas, the metal that the glass towers of Alicante, steeles, seraph blades, and witchlights are crafted from. They're the only one who know how to manipulate it. Only female Shadowhunters in good standing with the Clave may enter. There is a moat of lava surrounding it, and a drawbridge that lowers when a female Shadowhunter offers her blood along with the Iron Sister's motto: Ignis aurum probat; fire tests gold.

Iron Sisters: