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Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 20:10:53 GMT -5
She rolls her eyes and smiles slightly," I was a slave, before all this.." She motions around," I was entertaining one day, my Master Ferris--" she explains what had happened up until he had returned
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 20:18:35 GMT -5
" You want proof?" She frowns and turns around, liftin up the back of her shirt... A few scars criss crossed her back... Whip marks," Here's your proof..."
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 20:24:39 GMT -5
Koi glances at him," What do you mean?"
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 20:29:37 GMT -5
"... I know.." She murmurs softly, leaning back and closing her her eyes. Her throat felt tight... It didnt help...
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 20:33:45 GMT -5
" ..." Koi closes her eyes and sighs, one thing after another..
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Post by CrimsonMoon on Dec 2, 2013 21:56:52 GMT -5
" I'm.. Sad" she mumbles
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
" Because everytime things start to settle down, a bad guy pops up... It's really annoyig..." She sighs
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
"Exactly. So give up on whatever peace and serenity hoping thought you have. It ain't gonna happen unless someone has enough love for the world and wants to play the bad guy."
Koi doesn't answer, afraid that the anger she was feeling would make her lash out at him... Real Chris would say that there was always hope, no matter how many bad guys came... This wasnt Chris...
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt
He turns away from her and strides over to the door. "I'm leaving." he says matter-of-factually, "I have more spawns of the White Hand to kill. Staying here is a waste of time."
"... Stay safe," was all she could really manage, trying to call that voice back from earlier
Power is all you crave.
Respect is what you want.
Ideally everyone likes you.
Dead wrong you'll be if you continue these thoughts.
Eternal damnation spent broken on a wheel.
Vexing is this Sin if not dealt