"When I smile, all the tears I can make them stop
When I try to connect, you will always block
And you curl on my cream like a lemon drop."
-Anna Abreu "Vinegar"

{ - L e a d e r -
~ Ciara ~
A pretty 18 year old girl with brown hair that had a reddish tint and dark brown eyes. She often acts bossy and is a strict leader, but she has everyone's best interests at heart. She knows she gets on people's nerves, but sometimes you have to be strong and not let how much people hate you get to you. And most people really do hate her. She's been called a b**** more than once in her life. She pretends to be strong and acts like she doesn't care, but it really does hurt when people call her names. But she'd never let anyone know that. She is smart and despite the way most people view her, no one can deny that she's a good leader. Still, sometimes she feels like an outcast among her own people, and she doesn't really have any friends. If you get to know her, you might find that she actually has a good sense of humor and is honestly a nice person. But no one has ever really had a desire to try and get to know her. She never cries in front of other people, and never loses her temper. She always seems calm, but you can tell when she's irritated. She makes that very clear, and you don't want to mess with her when she's irritated. It's best to just do what she tells you to. She's never had a boyfriend, and doesn't really have time for one.
RPed by Crystalfrost

- F o l l o w e r s - }

~ Sean ~
A 17 year old guy from the wrong side of the tracks. He has wavy brown hair, usually hidden with a beanie hat or bandana, and trouble deep blue eyes. He has some anger issues and often over reacts, which has gotten him into trouble more times then he cares to count. He's easily provoked and gets into fights way too often. The last person who pissed him off went deaf in one ear. He's had a hard life growing up. Before the Illuminati found him, he lived alone with his father, who had a huge alcohol problem and tender to beat him whenever he got angry at something. They lived in a broken down shack at the edge of the city where Sean spent most of his time locked up inside. When he turned 12, his father died of alcohol poisening. He lived in that house all alone for the next three years, doing his best to patch the roof when it started to leak and find food and money out on the streets. Nobody feels sympathy for a hooligan, though. His father taught him about motorcycles and cars while he was still alive, so eventually he got a job working as a mechanic, but that didn't last long. During that time he began to discover his powers, and he started to use them to help him get when he needed. He turned into a thief, the last thing he wanted to be, but it was the only way he could stay alive. One day it went too far and the Illuminati caught him stealing from some rich family's house. Since then he's been with the 3rd family, for two years now. He finds that love will never be easy for him, because every time he manages to get a girlfriend he makes a mistake. Usually a big mistake. Deep down he's a good person, though, despite all his problems. He does his best to fight the time thieves and keep Italy crime-free. A little known fact about him is that he loves music and taught himself to play a guitar after his father died. It took him 2 years to save up the money to buy one, and he treasures it beyond anything else. So much that he doesn't even let people know he has one anymore. He only plays when he's alone and no one else is around to hear him.
RPed by Crystalfrost

~ Prosper Bandoni ~
Ruled by heart and by passion, Prosper Bandoni has the tendency to turn off his logical side and act on his feelings. He's the younger brother in the Bandoni family, his older brother having run off when he was a child. He doesn't have much memory of Rennon- no fond memories or even bad memories. His brother was always just a stranger in his mind. So he grew up as an only child, allowing his parents to coddle him and tell him what a good boy he was. They feared he might disappear one day as his brother did. As he explored more of who he was in high school, Prosper got a taste of the partying lifestyle and he took to it like a fish to water. The laughter, the lights, the dancing- all of it allured him. He wanted to be surrounded by people, some he knew, others strangers, drinking and having a good time. He was young and he was free! It was a euphoric sensation that took him higher than he ever had been at home. Of course, he kept this all a secret from his family, for he didn't want them to worry. But now, it is hard for Prosper to turn off that desire to have fun. The idea of having "too much fun" is foreign to him and he swears up and down that this partying will not hurt him. He knows how to moderate his drinking and hasn't tried drugs yet, so what's the big deal? Prosper is pretty fit for an eighteen year old. He works out three times a week to keep his body in top shape. He also cares for his hair religiously. It takes him over an hour to style it the way he likes it every morning. He has chocolate brown eyes that are awfully similar to his brother's.
RPed by ~HeartShapedLocket~