The Light Court ♦♦♦ The Shadow Court

Fairies, also known at the Fae, are beings of incredible beauty. There are two types of fairies: elves and sprites. Elves are usually tall, with pointed ears and delicate features. They have a strong connection with the earth and are usually good at archery. Sprites are what most mortals think of when they picture faeries--little creatures with wings and pointed ears, not to mention very sharp teeth. They even have the ability to glow, although "pixie dust" won't make you fly. All fairies tend to be a bit mischievious. Though they can not lie, they do have a pretty creative version of truth-telling. Akin to warlocks, the fey cannot die of old age, although they can be killed. They can control what is called "fairy glamour," which can make them appear either human or invisible. Fairies are burned by iron, and are weakened just by being near something made out of iron.