The Crownlands is one of the nine regions of Westeros. King's Landing, the capital of the region, is the location of the Red Keep and the Iron Throne, from which the king rules the entire kingdom. The Crownlands have a temperate climate, with moderate summers and winters. Trade and taxes flow into the capital from every corner of the realm acknowledging the Iron Throne, and many foreign vessels ply their wares as well. Virtually every craft and trade are practiced here, from metalsmithing and shipbuilding to alchemy. Bastards in the Crownlands take the name Waters.

Locations //
King's Landing (Seat of House Lannister)
Duskendale (Seat of House Rykker)
Harrenhal (Seat of House Slynt)
Stokeworth (Seat of House Stokeworth)
Heads of Houses //