There are mixed feelings among the Lesser Demons about the Great Demons. Some of them despise the more powerful demons, but others strive to impress one so they can become a middle demon. All they can do is wreak what havoc they can on the world with their minimal powers. Super strength and speed, along with minimal control of the elements, are pretty much the only powers lesser demons possess, unless they are gifted for some reason by a Great Demon.


Maralon | Rped by Deepwallow
A black haired demon. He mostly haunts the towns at night and drains humans of their lifeforce. He also secretly can control a person, or demon's, fears and make them real and appear before them. One eyes is blood red while the other is icy blue. He is quiet and doesn't attack humans as much as the other demons. He prefers to be a lesser demon so he doesn't have to use a lot of his powers. He actually has a great amount of power but chooses not to hide as to not be noticed as much. In truth he is supposed to be a greater demon but hates that level of attention he gets.

Colton Marks | RPed by Animefan
Colton Marks is a mysterious, guarded individual, who is relatively unknown to the higher powers. They have no qualms about this due to their hatred for authority and all of the rules that come with hierarchies. Colton has a habit of disappearing for years at a time and reappears with the same reason every time: the voices became overwhelming. They offer no further explanation towards their time away or their motives. Most just assume they are completely insane and they don’t try to correct anyone. When they are around, most of their time is spent observing those around (regardless of whether they are Ludicus, Malum, or human) them. They can often be found writing in a little, black notebook that they always have. As an observer, Colton doesn't take much, and when they do, the answer is often brief and/or cryptic. In this manner, they aren't the most decisive, either, and tends to go with the flow of things. This said, Colton often has a calming aura about them. They dress in a masculine fashion, coupled with an androgynous body type and short hair, yet there is an air of femininity surrounding Colton.